Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Happy Halloween

We're all dressed up in our Halloween outfits - let's go shopping for some candy!
 I'm Abby - my purse and my vest match
 My vest is reversible - I borrowed Poppy's purse to go with the vest

Pumpkin Hats for everyone! 
 I'm Poppy - my collar and my purse have Halloween polka dots.
 I'm Sally Jo - I have pretty new shoes and socks.

 Poppy has new shoes too
And nooooooooow - presenting
The Candy Corn Witches!!!
 We are all dressed in our new costumes - Candy Corn hats and dresses

 Wait - there is something missing
 Our vests with gold bows - aren't they fine?
 And our masks - so you can't tell who we are! Hey - is there someone behind us?
 Is it spooooooooky?
 Come out - come out - whoever you are!!!
 Oh - it's not spooky
 It is our new brother Donnie, in his Zorro Halloween costume.  Don't you just love a Halloween surprise??!!??
 Sally Jo
 Poppy Sunshine
Donnie - did you know that Zorro wears sneakers? 

Let's go trick-or-treating! Donnie can carry the Pumpkin for our treats.
Visit  Diane and Candy for more Halloween fun!!
and Cooking and Crafting With J and J
I used bits and pieces of different patterns to make the costumes.  It was fun, with lots of trial and error.   When Don was 7 he thought Zorro was the greatest  and wanted a Zorro costume.

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